By way of John ripping off Dusty, and Megan ripping off John, I’ve now ripped them all off and started my own blog.
This blog is intended to be a story, written by whoever contributes. I’ve written the first part. Anyone else can write the next part, as much or as little as you want. The next person will have to go from there. Just copy the text into an email (with ‘eggs in the barn’ in the subject box) with a name/city to attribute it to or if you want to be anonymous. I'll try to keep the editing minimal. On the off chance that more than one person sends me the next installment at the same time, I’ll put up the best one. What’s more likely is I’ll get no response, at which point I’ll start bugging people I know to write something.
I think you should tell people when it is their turn. I don't want to end up wasting time writing something only to have it upended by someone else. That is my thought.